Autoboxing is the mechanism in Java to convert primitive type values to respective wrapper class object. Java programmer mostly use autoboxing while using collections, since collection only holds object and to put primitive type data into collection, it's need to use wrapper classes to convert into objects.
So , here is autoboxing to assign primitive type to wrapper type directly.
to typeBoolean
to typeByte
to typeShort
to typeCharacter
to typeInteger
to typeLong
to typeFloat
to typeDouble
You can directly compare wrapper classes using
== ,
just like primitive types but
for certain range which is by default (-128 to 127) .Which is default value of-XX:AutoBoxCacheMax .
Here is the demo program when your object which is a autoboxed primitive type can be compared directly.
int int1 = 100;
int int2 = 100;
System.out.println(int1 == int2); // true as they are primitive
Integer integerObj1 = new Integer(100);
Integer integerObj2 = new Integer(100);
System.out.println(integerObj1 == integerObj2); // always false as these are objects
Integer integer1 = 100;
Integer integer2 = 100;
System.out.println(integer1 == integer2); // true
Character c1 = 110;
Character c2 = 110;
System.out.println(c1 == c2); //true
Short s = 56;
Short s1 = 56;
System.out.println(s == s1); //true
Why caching this range :
This short range are generally used and performance of public static valueOf( i)
Changing -XX:AutoBoxCacheMax :
You can set the -XX:AutoBoxCacheMax=1000, and it will catch integer upto 1000 which means following code will results true
Integer integer1 = 1000;
Integer integer2 = 1000;
System.out.println(integer1 == integer2); // true
Note: this changing size only works for positive integer and it can't be set less than 127. See inner class private static class IntegerCache
Setting Runtime VM option in Eclipse,
Max size of -XX:AutoBoxCacheMax ;
Max cache size can't be more than -Xmx (which is JVM heap size) . Heap size is defined by vm argument -Xmxm .
But, you as soon as JVM initialized, it allocate the memory for caching purpose. But you can't allocate whole (-Xmx in byte)/4 (4byte is size of int) for AutoBoxCache because of other object needed to be loaded and you might end up with
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
.Also, note that for other wrapper classes except Integer , have fixed caching size upto 127 only.