From Java 7 Binary type also joins the category of literal with *
byte, short, int and long
. Which means a binary value can be assigned by using 0b or 0B *prefix to a primitive type.What is a Literal : A literal is source code representation of source code. Which can be directly assigned to any primitive type.
Try following in your code with JDK1.7+
int intType = 0b100;
char charType = 0B1100001;
Why Binary Literals:
- No need to translate binary value to integer to use them.
- Benefit to programs where bit per bit operation is required.
Other literal type are following
char capitalC = 'C'; /*Character type or you can use unicode 'u0043' */
byte b = 100; /* byte limit is -128 to 127*/
short s = 10000; /* short limit is -32768 to 32767*/
int i = 100000; /*int limit is -2^31 to 2^31 - 1*/
One more feature introduced related to primitive type.
Underscore in integer type: To improve readability of code in integer delimiters.
int newInt = 100_00_00;
float newfloat = 3.12_34_67f;