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CSS - Border Radius for rounded corners

Border radius is used to create rounded corners  see the following.

[codepen_embed height=200 theme_id=1 slug_hash='emxdk' user='ianoop' default_tab='css' animations='run'/]

css border radius

Above code fore border radius is equivalent to

border-top-right-radius: 20px;
border-top-left-radius: 20px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 20px;


border-radius: 20px 20px 20px 20px;

You can specify rounded …

Z-Index in CSS


What is Z-Index ?

Z-Index is the property of CSS which is used to order the elements behind and in front in the form of stack. You can consider this a virtual stack where the higher value of z-index is placed infront and the lower value of z index is placed …

CSS Regex selector - Using Regular Expression in CSS

Just like JQuery, CSS also offer a great way to filter out elements with selectors using Regular Expressions.

Selecting on  Attribute and value

[[att=str]]{style="font-family: 'courier new', courier;"} :- attribute value is exactly matching to str

[[att*=str] ]{style="font-family: 'courier new', courier;"}:-  attribute value contains str - value can …

CSS3 Animations: Getting started

CSS animations is a great tool design website in very cool fashion without any gif images and reduced page size.
~(Keep\ in\ mind\ IE8\ and\ IE9\ are\ stone\ age\ browsers\ and\ CSS3\ animation\ won't\ work\ with\ it).~
There are two basic keyword used to generate animations using



\@keyframes …

How to add custom CSS in HTML

I have already given the introduction to CSS and advantages.Now, there are few ways to use your custom CSS in your site/blog/wordpress.

  • Using style tag with HTML elements.
  • Using Style element inside HTML page
  • Linking external CSS file in your pages
  • Importing CSS file inside another CSS …

CSS - Introduction and How it works

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet which is used to style HTML elements.
While loading any webpage browser simply create DOM of requested web page and renders the HTML. CSS is basically a better way of managing HTML attributes


of any element.

To add style we simply use

Style …

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